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League of Legends


League of Legends(LoL) je hra od Riot Games, vytvořená stejnými „bohy“, kterým hodně lidí děkovalo za Defense of the Ancients: Allstar (DotA). Hra je kompletně zadarmo, za peníze si pak můžete koupit Riot Pointy, za které kupujete hrdiny (je to rychlejší, ale pro vaší peněženku dražší, než šetřit IP, které jsou zadarmo), nebo skiny na hrdiny (jiný, občas orpavdu parádní, vzhled), které se dají koupit pouze za RP.

Zde na Andoru se několik lidí, kteří tuto hru hrají, pohybuje, a tak je zde stůl, dokterého mohou an dané téma a vedlejší diskuze psát co se jim zlíbí (zážitky, buildy,...). Pravidlo je jediné – nespamovat úplně mimo téma. Také je zde možno klást různé otázky, pokud jste ještě LoL Nehráli nebo o něm ani neslyšeli a chtěli to zkusit.

Pár šikovných odkazů:
1) odkaz--- oficiální web
2) odkaz --- fanouškovská wiki
3) odkaz --- buildy vytvořené samotnými hráči

Co ještě dodat? Snad jen: "Lets gonna pawn noobs it's LoL time!"

Andořané na LoL Obrázek

Správci stolu

Arkius, Eskel, Rosy, Xin

zde nemáte právo psát

Slaanesh - 14. října 2012 23:59
Našel jsem na foru, zajímavý přehled by Indestined
Slaanesh - 14. října 2012 23:59

I wouldn't say there's such a thing as a best AP carry, though here's my opinion on them since I've played the majority of them;


- Very high burst damage.
- Some true damage.
- Good AP Scaling.
- Execellent ultimate to escape or initiate kills.
- Ultimate and Foxfire prioritze enemy champions, Orb of deception also pierces through minions, making lane harrass very strong.
- Looks awesome.

- Requires some practice to land her spell combo.
- Very squishy.
- If you get focused on when your ultimate is on CD, you're in big trouble.
- Mana hungry at the start.


- Blow up damage.
- Great escape/chase ultimate.
- High skill cap to play effectively.
- Good early game poke.
- Energy based champion gives a strong laning advantage vs other Aps.
- Stealth mechanic allows for some fun jukes.
- Awesome passive for hybrid builds.

- Squishy.
- Becomes broken if the enemy oracles/vision wards.
- Energy can become a weakness in teamfights if used too early.


- High damage output.
- Passive can be a game changer when paired with your ultimate.
- Powerful ultimate.
- Strong laning presence due to mana return on Q.

- Very Squishy.
- No escape mechanic.
- Very dependant on timing her stun well with her ultimate.


- Arguably the best AP damage in game.
- Constant slow effects.
- Stun, AoE slow and a Wall of ice make for an execellent assortment of CC.
- Possibly the best passive for an Ap carry, once every 5 minutes upon death you revert to an egg, if you stay alive for ( 5secs? ) you ressurect with fall health.
- You look awesome.


- Lowest base stats ( I think? ) from any AP carry.
- Horribly slow moving speed.
- Insanely mana hungry when using her ultimate for CS. ( Blue solves this completely. )
- Requires patience and practice.


- Interesting spell mechanics, one effect leads to another.
- Strong passive vs tanks.
- Insanely powerful team ultimate, literally melts faces.
- Kills minions with ease making him a farming machine.

- Mana hungry if you play agressively.
- Have to land your skills in a certain order and connect to make him reach the full potential.
- No real escape mechanic at all. ( Unless you land a stun but hardly viable. )


- High damage.
- Slow and speed effects from various spells.
- One of the best team ultimates.
- Barely any mana issues if played correctly.
- Satisfying to play due to uniquness.

- Squishy. ( aren't they all? )
- Requires alot of practice and patience.
- Using your ultimate at the wrong time can resolve in a guarenteed death.
- No real escape move, speed movement as a proc on W cast but in a battle this can be tricky.


- High burst.
- Great CC. ( Knock up and AoE silence for 3 seconds. )
- Ultimate makes you a monster when 6 stacked. ( End game 900 bonus health. )
- High mobility for an AP carry.
- Tanky.
- Good passive for laning phase.

- Insanely mana hungry early game.
- Relatively long cooldowns.
- Close range ultimate.



- Long range silence that can hit multiple times/targets. ( Great early game damage )
- Drain life is brilliant in 1v1 fight for clutch kills, also makes Fiddle a viable jungler.
- An incredibly potent ultimate, honestly this melts chins.
- Fear for CC, low cooldown and a decent duration.
- Doesn't consume much mana if played correctly.

- Squishy.
- If your drain life gets CCed or Silenced, you're going to die quickly.
- Silence falls off by mid game onwards in terms of damage.
- No escape mechanic.
- Requires good timing on your ultimate to make it really work.


- Energy based for laning, insanely awesome.
- Awesome ultimate, Aoe stun and damage.
- Great AP scaling.
- Enjoyable to play, awesome passive mechanic.
- Hard to gank due to Lightning Rush.

- Energy can backfire later in team fights.
- Requires close combat for the ultimate which can lead to bad news.
- Squishy when focus fired.


- Long range.
- Amazing poke.
- Superb ultimate, genuinely.. go use it and come back to me... oh you're back? It's insane right?
- Shield to save from early ignites.
- Stun/Slow for good CC.
- Great bush checker.
- Low mana consumption.
- Blow up damage when the full combo lands.
- Can play the support role effectively as a bonus.

- With no escape mechanic when slow/stun is on CD, you're a sitting duck and you'll get torn apart.
- Laser gives a warning and players with quick reactions can avoid it.
- Shield falls off late game.

Malzahar ( Love him. )

- Incredibly lane poke.
- DoT which returns mana per enemy killed.
- Ultimate in a 1v1 situation is monstrous and will likely kill anyone with the right build and spell combo.
- AoE silence when positioned well.
- AoE damage can be lethal when combined with Amumu ulti etc.
- No mana issues if played correctly.
- Insanely good at farming lanes and jungle between laning phase.

- Squishy with no escape mechanic.
- Ultimate can be broken by certain ultimates, knock backs, silences, stuns, fear etc etc etc etc etc... with this being one of your core killing abilities, this can be frustrating.
- You have to pay close attention to what CC/ultis have been used before using your ultimate combo.
- Weak passive, people try to justify it but it's just poor. ( it can save you from skillshots though so it has its uses. )

This is all i have for now, I'll aim to post more when I'm home tonight : )
Laif - 14. října 2012 22:10
futuristic laif ikonka4021.jpg
No, tady je další dílo který mi totálně odrovnalo břišní svaly. XD
Laif - 14. října 2012 22:05
futuristic laif ikonka4021.jpg
Arkius 14. října 2012 22:05
Mega OP Garen a Darius. XD
Arkius - 14. října 2012 22:05
Laif 14. října 2012 22:01
Mě se to stejně kurva líbilo :D
Laif - 14. října 2012 22:01
futuristic laif ikonka4021.jpg
Arkius 14. října 2012 21:59
Škoda jen že tam nebyl třeba Ryze, Malphite, Ahri nebo Blitz. :D
Arkius - 14. října 2012 21:59
Laif 14. října 2012 21:54
Laif - 14. října 2012 21:54
futuristic laif ikonka4021.jpg
Laif - 14. října 2012 17:36
futuristic laif ikonka4021.jpg
Slaanesh 14. října 2012 17:14
No, to by pak bylo myslím lepší než nějaký CoD. :D
Slaanesh - 14. října 2012 17:14
Laif 12. října 2012 17:12
Ať hru převedou do takovéhle grafiky :D
seifi - 14. října 2012 16:38
Zobrazit SPOILER
Laif - 12. října 2012 17:12
futuristic laif ikonka4021.jpg
Galax 12. října 2012 17:10
Ty animace jsou neuvěřitelný. Trochu mi teda vadilo že Luxina ultimátka měla sílu jak náklaďák dynamitku ale jinak skvělý. :D A ten Malphite... Dokonale udělanej. :D
Galax - 12. října 2012 17:10
Laif 12. října 2012 15:07
Jenže jaksi na to Riot zatím asi nemyslí :D Ale námět hezkej, o dost kvalitnější než první Trailery, ale i ty byly dobré, tohle je však hodně povedené :)
Laif - 12. října 2012 15:07
futuristic laif ikonka4021.jpg
Galax 12. října 2012 15:01
Z toho by moh bejt pomalu i film nebo seriál.
Galax - 12. října 2012 15:01
Galax - 10. října 2012 13:26
Agrus 10. října 2012 06:51
JO, protože Taricova "manželka" je Seifi ^^
Agrus - 10. října 2012 06:51
seifi 09. října 2012 22:14
Impossibru, je to sestra ;)
seifi - 09. října 2012 22:14
Taricova manželka
Tholdrin - 07. října 2012 11:30
Glenn 07. října 2012 10:43

Jop.. taky jsem to viděl.. byl jsem docela rád, že jsem šel pak spát protože čekat tam ještě hodinu aby mi řekli "sorry dneska už to nepoběží" to už by bylo fakt špatné.
Glenn - 07. října 2012 10:43
League of Legends
After a series of connectivity issues at our LA Live venue, we've had to reschedule the final games of the Season 2 World Playoffs. We'll be completing the last game of the CLG EU and Team WE quarterfinal match and finishing out the Semifinal Matches in the near future from a new location with a secure Internet connection. The matches will be broadcast live, so stay tuned for scheduling information.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and want to thank all of you for your patience. It wasn't our intention to disrupt your viewing schedules, but the situation is unavoidable, and -- in the interest of doing what's best for your favorite teams -- we want to ensure we're not subjecting them to frequent disconnects.

Thanks for sticking with us, summoners. We hope to see you all online for the Semifinal matches. Stay tuned for more information. o.s. © 2003 - 2024 hostováno na VPS u
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