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Imagine there´s no heaven. Seize it if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people. Living for today. Imagine there´s no countries. It isn´t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too. - John Lenon / Imagine





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Imagine there´s no heaven.
Seize it if you try.
No hell below us.
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people.
Living for today.

Imagine there´s no countries.
It isn´t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for.
And no religion too.
Imagine all the people.
Living life in peace.

You may say, I´m a dreamer.
But I´m not the only one.
I hope some day you´ll join us.
And the world´ll live as one.

Imagine all possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of men.
Imagine all the people.
Sharing all the world.

You may say, I´m a dreamer.
But I´m not only one.
I hope some day you´ll join us.
And the world´ll live as one.

( John Lenon - Imagine )[/i] o.s. © 2003 - 2024 hostováno na VPS u
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