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Andorský věk

9 let, 6 měsíců a 21 dní


How are you? How you feeling? Wait. Don't answer that. Too much deep relaxation, what it does is it relaxes the gums. And the vibrations from talking -- on a rare occasion -- can make all of your teeth fall out of your head.

Vlastní text uživatele

A long time ago, a flower woke up in a garden.

The flower was afraid because it had no arms or legs or any body any at all. It screamed and screamed for help. But nobody came.

Eventually, hearing the flower's sobs, ASGORE, the king of all monsters, came running. He did his best to comfort the flower, promising it that everything would be alright. He was overcome with emotion.

But... still... even as the king held him, the flower felt nothing at all.

The flower realized that it was SOULLESS. Without a soul, the flower could not feel love or compassion.

Still, it tried. It spent weeks in the company of the king, vainly trying to feel.

When that failed, the flower ran away to the RUINS. There, the flower found the QUEEN, a being of infinite kindness and love.

Surely, thought the flower, in her company I will feel whole.

... But the flower was wrong.

The flower fell into despair. In a world without love, it no longer desired to live. So, it attempted to leave this world.

But at the last moment, the flower grew afraid. Without a SOUL, the flower did not know what awaited it on the other side. Something primal cried out inside of it. The flower did not want to die.

And then... And then... The flower woke up in the garden again.

The flower realized at any time, whenever it wanted, it could reverse the flow of time back to the moment when it first woke up.

The flower decided to use its new powers for good. It went from person to person in the UNDERGROUND. Solving all of their problems. Becoming their friend. The flower became beloved by all.

But still... it felt nothing.

Then, the flower grew bored. It began to wonder. What would happen if it killed these people?

And so... out of boredom... out of curiosity... the flower killed them all.

Time repeated again and again. Everyone has died. Everyone has been saved. Many, many, many times.

The flower has saved everyone and killed everyone. Read every book and burned every book. And now there is simply nothing left for it to do.

The flower was filled with rage. Now, it only desired one thing. To destroy completely the world that had failed it.

But then... after many timelines had passed, something new happened.

For the first time in many years, a human fell into the Underground.

And the flower realized...

That human would be its salvation.

Don't you see?

Don't you get it?


Will set me free.

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